
Issue 124: Oddly Specific Fan Heckles

I’ve used this space to talk about fan and player interactions before. Last year, a LOT of NBA fans were big ol’ dummies to other players. Buying a ticket doesn’t give you the right to be overtly rude or throw things.

However, a good heckle can be pretty entertaining. And as these fans prove, when you find a good niche, we can all enjoy it.

Note my mailing system is having some STRUGGLES so not all the videos are populating. But you can still click the links to see what I’m talking about.

This Dude Has a Laundry List of Grievances Against Hedo Turkoglu

We’ve talked about Hedo Turkoglu’s lackluster season in Toronto. The following year, the Raptors hosted the Suns (Turkoglu’s new team) in the preseason, and…well, this fan was upset with the effort the Turkish player gave in Canada.

I don’t even fully understand everything he says here, but I did catch that Turkoglu is lazy, has zero work ethic, and is pathetic.

By the end, the fan sounds like Ron Burgundy. At least he didn’t end with a question.

When Sports Cross-Pollinate

At one point, Allen Crabbe sported a bright blonde high-top fade. It looked similar to the hairstyle of NFL wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr.

One fan noted this — and would not let it go.

I could listen to this man yell “Odell” for hours on end and probably still be entertained. And it was a nice touch to ask about the number of yards Crabbe had.

It doesn’t matter how much focus you have as a professional athlete, that kind of targeted heckling will eventually make its way to your ears. Thankfully, Crabbe got a kick out of it.

Good Job, Good Effort

This one could either be sarcastic or sincere—I don’t know, and I’m not sure I want to know.

During the 2012 Eastern Conference Finals, the Boston Celtics snuck a Game 5 win out of American Airlines Arena, home of the Miami Heat.

This was the prime of the Heatles era, with LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh all playing their best ball. So to think they could potentially lose before even reaching the Finals is wild.

As it turns out, they just needed a little motivation from an unidentified kid. That good effort turned into wins in Games 6 and 7 and an NBA championship after the Heat defeated the Oklahoma City Thunder in the next round.

In fact, the Heat only lost one more game the whole playoffs, and none at home. If only we could all give as good an effort in our daily lives.

Mr. Chi City Goes to a Bulls Game

Mr. Chi City was a favorite of mine in college. He has since stopped making videos but was just a goofy, good-spirited guy that, no matter what he was doing, was having a great time doing it.

One of the things he did? Attend a Chicago Bulls game with floor seats. I enjoy the heckles of other fans more than anything else—asking someone “what are you doing in that jersey duuuude?” is a terrific line no matter who or where you are.

May your weekend be as cheerful!


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