
Issue 26: A Game with More Than 300 Points Scored

Today’s email is another installment of our “Remember That Game?” series. If you remember it, I hope it brings a burst of nostalgia for you. And if you don’t remember it, well…buckle up and let’s ride!

The day was January 22, 2006. The Phoenix Suns, led by reigning MVP Steve Nash, were hosting the Seattle Supersonics, who were struggling through a pretty crummy season. But the Sonics had something the Suns did not.

No, not those sweet, shiny, green and yellow jerseys. I’m talking about Ray Allen, one of the greatest shooters of all-time and a pretty good actor, to boot.

With ten minutes remaining in the fourth quarter, Allen only had 10 points, and the game was tied at 100 (how symmetrical!).

But Allen was just getting started.

Over the next ten minutes of the fourth quarter, Allen hit four three-pointers. He even made a fifth, though it was waved off after a foul.

Allen’s fourth three (say that five times fast) looked to be the game-winner, as only a few seconds remained. But the Suns answered and we headed to overtime.

The game eventually made it to double overtime, and Allen hit four more three-pointers during the extra sessions.

Finally, with the score tied at 149, Allen said, “THAT’S IT. I want to go home!”

Maybe he didn’t actually say that, but it sure felt like it. He took a three from several feet behind the three-point line and made it right as the buzzer sounded. Sonics win.

Perhaps my favorite part of the game-winning shot is the score graphic. Whoever was operating it only gave Allen two points for the shot, despite the fact he was nowhere near the line and that he had made seven three-pointers already. Maybe they just didn’t want to believe he could make an eighth.

When all was said and done, Allen finished with 42 points and the two teams combined for 301 points, making this one of the highest-scoring games of all time.

Why is this a forgotten game, then? It happened the same day Kobe Bryant scored 81 points against the Toronto Raptors. Bryant’s 81 is the second-highest scoring output from a single player in NBA history. So, naturally, that will dominate the headlines.

But on that same day, Ray Allen reminded us that, truly, he got game.

That’s all ’til next time. Thanks for reading!


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