Uh-Oh, Is That The Kiss Cam?

Here’s a little peek behind the Crisp Bounce Pass curtain: I often don’t write these emails as soon as they hit your inboxes.

If there’s a major event coming up (whether in the NBA or in life), I’ll get a head start and write when I’m able to.

In fact, this very email, fittingly themed for Valentine’s Day, was actually written well before you’re reading this sentence.

Normally, that’s not much of an issue. But sometimes, I get a little too eager and schedule something improperly.

For instance, last issue, I said the All-Star Game was starting last Friday when the festivities actually tip off this Friday.

Chalk it up to extra enthusiasm for the game.

What I do know is that today — well, today in the sense of when this email gets delivered — is actually Valentine’s Day.

So, in honor of a holiday that I personally think is pretty dumb, here’s an homage to a sports event tradition that I think is pretty dumb: the kiss cam.

The premise is simple — the Jumbotron shows two people, presumably a couple, onscreen together. The words “kiss cam” display onscreen, and the two are encouraged to give each other a smooch.

But what if the people are only friends? Or even related? How AWKWARD!

Anyway, most kiss cam videos are almost certainly staged, but a few still manage to wring a smile out of me.

We’ll see a guy learn he’s becoming a father, someone cleverly stealing a beer, and a Benny the Bull smooch (or is it smooooooooch?) getting him in trouble. Click any of the videos to see them in full.

Enjoy, and I hope if you do kiss someone today, it’s with their consent and not broadcast to millions of people.