Call Me By Your Name: 5 Great NBA Nicknames

Photo via Keith Allison:

Do you have a nickname? It’s not your birth name, but it’s how people refer to you. It would almost sound weird to not be called that. Sometimes certain people have nicknames for you that no one else ever uses. Like someone could be

Coming Painfully Close to an NBA Milestone

Hedo Turkoglu on the Orlando Magic

You may remember when LeBron James passed Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the league’s all-time leading scorer. ESPN had a tracker estimating the exact date, based on things like LeBron’s scoring average, minutes per game, if Mercury is in retrograde, etc. etc. Scoring a

Silly, Goofy, and Brilliant Gifts for Basketball Fans

A basketball-shaped mug with a hoop and marshmallows in hot cocoa

‘Tis the season for last-minute, frantic shopping. I love me some Christmas celebrations. Decorating a tree? Fantastic. Eating all kinds of festive treats? Lemme grab my bib. Watching corny movies? Grab the remote. But when the topic of presents comes up, I struggle

Cheers to NBA Obscurity in Music

Silhouette of a man playing basketball while listening to music.

The NBA put together a terrific article about the feeling of being name-dropped in songs and how special it is. As Drake notes, the bond between music and sports is so tight because musicians want to be athletes, and vice-versa. And while stars get

Are the Original Basketball Rules Dumb or Brilliant?

Sports R Dumb Podcast Logo

On January 15, 1892, Dr. James Naismith published the original rules of basketball in The Triangle, the newspaper of Springfield College. At the time, basketball was a budding sport, and people weren’t really sure what it was. To help explain, Dr. Naismith released 13 rules.

The First Week of College Basketball is Bananas

The Stetson Hatters logo with S-U and a stetson hat on top.

The college basketball season tipped off this week. While 98% of America only tunes in during March Madness, I find basketball’s first week so intriguing. Most teams are full of players who are 18 to 22 years old. I don’t know about you,

Spotify Wrapped, Hoops Edition

Every December, Spotify shares its tailored “Wrapped” recaps with users. The premise is simple: Do you use Spotify? Then here’s a list of your most frequently listened to songs and artists, as well as some other fun facts about your habits. Spotify has

Trashketball: Your Next Holiday Game

A bird munching on remnants from a trash can.

Here in the United States, we’re still recovering from Thanksgiving. No matter how you celebrate it, it’s kind of a draining holiday. You eat a ton of food, you interact with a lot of people (hopefully without politics getting dragged into the mix),

Where Were You During Malice at the Palace?

November 19 was the 20-year anniversary of the event known as the “Malice at the Palace.” You likely remember this vividly, but just in case, here’s a quick refresher: Towards the end of an early-season game between the Pistons and Pacers at